Our Core Values

  1. We value Scripture above all teaching, so we submit to its authority. 
  2. We value the Great Commission, so we will not apologize for pushing people to give and go.
  3. We value the gospel, so the message will always be more important than the method.
  4. We value passionate expressions of worship, so we encourage engagement.
  5. We value family because generational discipleship is foundational. 
  6. We value generous living, so we look for opportunities to give and serve.
  7. We value community because we thrive in authentic relationships.
  8. We value growth, so we believe that change is good and normal for a healthy church. 
  9. We value unity not uniformity because we are the body of Christ.
  10. We value simplicity over complexity to focus on the mission.

We believe in a big God, so we celebrate all that He does.